iPhone Apps:
The Chapter 7 Means Test Calculator App

Use this App to determine whether you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy under part a of the Chapter 7 Means Test. You can even save or e-mail your calculation to access it later. If your income is greater than the median income for your state of residence and family size, you still might meet part b of the means test after taking into consideration certain expenses and deductions as defined by the Bankruptcy Code. You should consult with an attorney to determine your eligibility.
The Child Support Calculator App

Must have app for Family Law Attys - ★★★★★
Review by Mass Attorney
Must have app. Quickly calculate child support according to the guidelines and try different income scenerios.
The Divorce Spousal Support Calculator App

All of these formulas are included in this calculator, which we believe can be a valuable resource in helping parties understand a reasonable potential range of spousal support orders.

In addition, you can access the full Article (The Divorce Spousal Support Calculator: An Alimony Formula Resource and Tool for Computing Suggested Alimony Payments in Divorce Cases) directly from the App by clicking on the Settings button in the lower left-hand corner of the App.
Similar to the Child Support Calculator App, you can also save and e-mail your calculations.
Web Apps:
These three Apps are also available as Web-Apps and can be accessed directly on our mobile site or through the Apple Web-App Store.
The Chapter 7 Means Test Calculator Web-App
- Direct Link: mobile.kelseytrask.com/meanstest.htm
The Child Support Calculator Web-App
- Direct Link: http://mobile.kelseytrask.com/childsupport.htm
The Divorce Spousal Support Calculator Web-App
- Direct Link: http://mobile.kelseytrask.com/spousalsupport.htm
In addition we have a recently created fourth web-app:
The Chapter 7 Timeline Calculator Web-App
- Direct Link: mobile.kelseytrask.com/7timeline.htm

This App displays approximate dates for deadlines and events in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case when you enter a filing date. These dates are subject to change by amendments to the U.S. Code, or may vary due to local rules or practices or even due to the specific facts of your case. If you have any questions you should consult with an attorney when reviewing this timeline.
Don't have an iPhone, that's okay too. Whether you are an Android, Blackberry or other smartphone user, you can still use all of our great calculators in your web-browser on our mobile pages designed just for smartphones. Just visit m.kelseytrask.com or mobile.kelseytrask.com on your mobile phone and you should see a page that looks something like this:

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